5 Mosquito Control Myths You Need To Stop Believing

Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying creatures on earth. Their buzzing can drive you to distraction when all you want to do is enjoy a pleasant outdoor evening. But that buzzing could also be a sign that you're about to get bitten by one of these bloodsuckers—and if you've ever been bitten by a mosquito, then you know how painful those bites can be! To help keep mosquitoes at bay this summer, let's debunk some Mosquito Control Cape Cod myths about what keeps them away from your yard and body. Myth #1 - Mosquitoes only bite during the summer While it's true that mosquitoes are most active when the temperature is warm, they can bite at any time of year. In fact, mosquitoes may be more likely to bite you in winter than in summer because they're looking for blood to keep them alive through hibernation. The warmer your body temperature, the more attractive you are as a food source to a hungry mosquito! Keeping fumigation schedules on a point will help keep them at ...