What You Should Know Before Using Mosquito Spraying Service?

Mosquito Spraying Cape Cod is an effective way to control and prevent mosquitoes. However, it is not a chemical-based process. Rather, it’s a mechanical method that involves the use of special equipment to spray chemicals on your property. The pesticide used in mosquito spraying is called pyrethrum, which comes from flowers in the chrysanthemum family. This natural substance kills and repels mosquitoes through its action on the nervous system of these pests when they land on treated surfaces such as grasses, bushes and trees. How does mosquito spraying work? Mosquito spraying is a method that uses insecticides to kill mosquito larvae. A professional company will spray the area with a solution that contains larvicide and adulticide, which means it kills both eggs and mature mosquitoes. Mosquito larvae are found in water sources such as ponds, lakes, ditches and marshes. These areas are sprayed before they become breeding g...